Preventative Medicine

Preventative Medicine

Preventative Medicine or Medicine 3.0 is Medicine of the future. Recognising that most of the conditions that affect us as we age are lifestyle related and therefore preventable is key to a healthy and long life.

Whether it relates to Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Dementia, Metabolic Dysfunction, we know that our chronic disease risk can be hugely reduced by focusing on the key components of our Preventative Health Framework or Toolkit.

Gaining access to both basic and advanced diagnostics and viewing these results through a preventative lens is key to implementing an individual strategy to both optimise performance, and improve Health span.

6 Core Principles

Advanced Diagnostics/Assessment

Physiological Enhancement

Cognitive & Emotional Health

Nutrition & Hydration

Environment & Sleep

Treatments & Therapeutics

Expert Leadership

Dr Alan Farrell, MB BCh BAO BA MSc, is a leading expert in chronic disease prevention and metabolic health. With a medical degree and a Master’s in Sports and Exercise Medicine from Trinity College Dublin, Dr Farrell’s work bridges the science of high-performance sport with everyday health.

Since 2012, he has worked with elite sports teams in Ireland and around the world, gaining invaluable experience in optimising performance and resilience.

Dr Farrell focuses on empowering members to take control of their health through advanced biomarker testing. His expertise helps members understand their metabolic health, improve physical performance, and prevent chronic disease, bringing the tools of elite medicine to the heart of your wellness journey.

At CDxP we understand that your health is important to you. We lead busy demanding lives and we usually wait until symptoms arise before taking action. At CDxP we believe in the power of prevention. We help you understand and enhance your current health to ensure your long term health and wellbeing.