CDxP are delighted to introduce our new Men’s Health and Wellbeing Clinic. Building on the

success and foundation of our core Metabolic Health Philosophy CDxP provide dedicated

services to men of all ages in a modern, private and easily accessible clinic in Dublin. At CdxP

we recognise that there are many health and performance concerns Men may struggle with

and we are dedicated in helping men recognise, manage and engage with their future health

in a more positive way.

Some of the conditions we deal with include:

Testosterone Deficiency

Erectile Dysfunction

Prostate Health

Health Screening

Metabolic Health


Testicular Health

Testosterone Deficiency and Testosterone Replacement Therapy

One of key priorities at CDxP is the diagnosis and treatment of low testosterone, also known

as Testosterone Deficiency or TD.  TD is one of the most common Endocrine (Hormone)

conditions, second only to Type 2 Diabetes, affecting Men today.

It is commonly dismissed and mislabelled as other conditions such as Chronic Fatigue, Depression, and Anxiety butwhat many people do not realise is that low Testosterone is something that occurs with the natural ageing process. Our Testosterone levels decrease by up to 2% per year after age 30,

and that many men (young and old) suffer needlessly with the symptoms of Testosterone

Deficiency. This can lead to a significant reduction in their quality of life.

The symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency can be quite broad including ,but not limited to

the below, that many men can relate to:

  • Low libido
  • Lethargy
  • Depression
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Anxiety
  • Inability to gain muscle mass
  • Poor sleep
  • Mood swings

We understand that these symptoms can overlap with many health issues, that is why a

thorough consultation and work-up is imperative in diagnosing and understanding this

condition. We also recognise that there are some lifestyle related contributors to low

testosterone including Stress, Insulin Resistance, Poor Sleep and excessive Alcohol intake. At

CDxP Lifestyle solutions are what we excel at so a Lifestyle approach to all Suboptimal

Metabolic Health including Testosterone Deficiency will be a key component of any

treatment strategy. The good news is that once a diagnosis of Testosterone Deficiency is confirmed, and lifestyle factors considered there are a number of Treatment Protocols available. Not everyone is suitable for Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), and that is why a medically

supervised treatment programme is the safest way to avail of TRT. The Benefits of TRT

include the following:

  • -Improved Energy
  • -Improved Libido
  • -Improved mood
  • -Reduced Anxiety
  • -Improved Body Composition (muscle gain and visceral fat loss
  • -Improved Bone Density and Strength
  • -Improved Metabolic Health Markers such as Glucose, Insulin and Lipids.

As with any Medical Treatment it is important we monitor and review our clients on their

TRT journey. Monitoring can take the form of follow-up Physical and Virtual consultations

as well as regular Blood Work (every 3-6 months).

Our Philosophy is Patient-Safety First, that is why we advocate for the lowest dose required

to obtain the desired therapeutic effect. This is obtained by regular smaller doses of

Testosterone rather than the ‘Sledgehammer’ approach of larger 3 monthly doses. Mimicking

Natural Human Physiology should be the goal of any Hormone Restoration Treatment.

If you are suffering with any of the symptoms of Low Testosterone you can reach out to us at